Full Circle - Bicycle Concept for the metropolis

Jan 14, 2011

Jun-Tae Park, and Sanghyun Jeong from South Korea, following the eternal desire designer "invent the wheel" given its concept simple to transport and compact bicycle "Full Circle". They believe this model will be popular in large metropolitan areas, where people often change their modes of transport and to make long trekking between points transplant. Use for this purpose bike might be the most reasonable solution. But ordinary bike does not fit mobility in urban transport. A folding "Full Circle", the owner will take with him his office or easily protisnetsya in full subway car. Dominant idea, which allows the bike to lay down the simplest method - is the absence of chain transfer. The location of the pedals - directly to the front wheels as 3ehkolesnyh bicycles for children. This is a dubious decision does not seem very practical in terms of the accompanying physical effort. But compared with the usual pedestrian master "Full Cirlce" will still have an advantage. It should be noted that the model as a whole looks very original, and the impressions of a foreign blogger, in expanded form, like a lemur.


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