The engine on the air

Jan 14, 2011

To date, a special interest turned to renewable energy sources and a variety of "green". At the same time work in these areas is developing steadily and without delay. Followed suit, and two scientists from India who have published work on the implementation engine for motorcycles, differing environmental friendliness.

Scientists study the possibility and efficiency of air turbines, which differ from each other by number and characteristics of the blades. The operation of all motor runs on compressed air. New development of scientists in the theory shows forty minutes of riding a motorcycle that left tested in practice. If all calculations are correct, then that invention will help reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere at times. It's worth noting that India has a lot of places, where the motorcycle is the most popular means of transportation. As told in an interview Bharat Raja Singh, one of the researchers, in some cases can reduce emissions by more than 50%!

But not yet resolved all technical issues, to introduce the concept of mass use. So far that has not yet devised a compact but capacious tank of compressed air, which is the fuel for a new type of engine. Motorcycles are used for long trips, so 40 minutes is unlikely to be sufficient time for travel. To date, there are tanks, instead of allowing the fuel only for the 30-kilometer trip, which greatly complicates the use of the engine. It is hoped that researchers can solve the problems of fuel storage to shortly motorcycles in India and around the world being refurbished into clean technology.


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