On two wheels and Hydrogen

Jan 14, 2011

A new breakthrough in hydrogen energy: the other day a group of inventors in New York was presented moped engine which runs on clean fuel - hydrogen. One filling a novelty, according to the sponsors, enough for 160 kilometers, and soon after this miracle of technology they plan to create a hydrogen engine for the car, on which work is already underway.

The basis of the motor scooter is a miracle cartridge filled with sodium silicide and dense metal powders. In fact, this kind of battery, but with a different algorithm. It is necessary to pour water into the cartridge - and inside it starts a chemical reaction, which resulted in the generated electricity. Moreover, the fluid does not need to be clear: You can even use water from a nearby puddle! The principle of hydrogen batteries is fairly simple and understandable to all who remember their high-school physics and chemistry. It consists of a set of elementary cells, each of which has approximately 1 cm thick and consists of a pair of electrodes made of carbon with the addition of platinum catalyst. It should be noted that the inventors were able to significantly reduce the cost of construction, replacing the commonly used in such batteries platinum catalysts analogues made from an alloy of platinum with other, cheaper metals. Electrodes separated by an electrolyte, in which can act as a polymer or a solution. One of the electrodes of fuel supply (which is hydrogen), and the second - an oxidizing agent, which acts as extracted from the air oxygen. Electrolyte ions are missing, but does not transmit electrons. On the first of the electrodes (the anode) hydrogen splits into protons and electrons, the last pass through the electrolyte to the second electrode (cathode), where there is a connection with oxygen - water is formed. At the same time, electrons move to the outside of the cell, the electrical circuit is connected to the load - the electric motor.

To make this scheme work, it is necessary that hydrogen is continuously fed into the fuel cell. This is the basic problem of hydrogen engines in the world: where to find so much hydrogen, which, unlike oil and gas, you can not get out of the ground, you can only get an artificial way. Lack of hydrogen filling stations became one of the factors slowing the development of transport in this type of fuel. Do hydrogen moped shortcomings, in addition to problems with dressing? Of course there is, and one of them is called ... almost complete silence during the movement. Engineers are already thinking about how to add engine noise by artificial means, as silent vehicle can be dangerous to other road users. Developers hydrogen moped intending to solve the problem installing the "clappers", which will operate in urban environments, and while driving through the countryside it can be turned off. Perhaps, in quietness and ends with a list of new items of serious shortcomings, which are of practical value and can be a serious argument in favor of hydrogen technologies in the debate, which began in the 80 years of the last century. After all exhausts of internal combustion engines can not endlessly pollute the environment, not least because that oil and gas resources on the planet does not last forever! Hydrogen moped has all the chances of getting into production and will soon be available to buyers, so far only in the United States.


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