Art in the house according to Feng Shui

Nov 3, 2011

Not so long ago I encountered a woman (let's call it, for example, Kate), which equips her apartment on the requirements of Feng Shui. I confess to this "Feng Shui" I'm very, very skeptical. But in order to check the hot assurances of his favor, she decided to learn more about the principles of Chinese teachings and its compatibility with the visual arts.

Art in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

It turned out at once that the room was far from Katie fenshuevskaya. Pay taxes to sleep, not enough - we said Chinese scientists.

Assurance of the benefits of the red zone in the bed of feng shui confirmed. Just - oh, horror! - Katya wallpaper with red flowers! No, no, you can not - categorically claims the ancient teachings. The bedroom can not be placed not so much painted, even fresh flowers!

In part, this claim has arisen from quite natural reasons - the flowers at night pull oxygen from the air, so you may have problems with sleep. Although I wonder how many should there be flowers in the room to become a man nothing to breathe? Chinese doctrine is opposed to another plant due to the fact that they draw energy from the sleeping man. Even painted. Feng Shui is strongly advised to hang in the bedroom paintings of flowers. Especially over the headboard.

But every other picture in front of the bed will be very much appropriate. Especially if you wake up, you'll see something cheerful on the canvas. A small correction - this cheerful in any case should not be autumn landscape, even the most light and beautiful. Better summer.

Who is not nice to fall asleep to the sound of murmuring water, running on the beach or the lake ... and again no! There are no fountains in the room, Chinese scholars also reject the Universe. Alas, this is again applied to the picture. You can not place the product in the bedroom with waterfalls, fountains, rivers or seas. This will lead to confusion in the family.

The list is not recommended image is still ongoing. The ban applies to photographs of children, parents or friends, and generally someone else's portraits, as well as pictures of animals.

By the way, not only painting suffered disgrace. Ill keep in the bedroom stuffed animals and dolls (even collectable and very expensive). They supposedly make the atmosphere of childhood emotions and distract from love.

What can be? It turns out that the paintings can only be his portraits, preferably on a canvas and painted with oil. Landscapes of the spring, summer and winter, and fruit still lifes. Recommend an image of something the pair. This will strengthen family life.

Will be useful ceramic vases, vessels, figurines and plates. It strengthens family values.

Living room. Feng Shui in the zones

Glory to the Chinese gods that area in the apartment have a positive value - Zone money, health, etc. This is something interesting.

In the living room puts a lot of figures of animals! If you can see from the window of a hospital or other institution negatively - turtle figurine on a windowsill will be just right. No money? Put the figures on the shelves of three-toed frog or dragon with a pearl in the mouth.

If you have a mind for some reason comes - calm the nerves of collectible figurine of an owl.

And if you want kids - get a stork. Do not live, of course. Although not yet proven, by a stork will be more confusing.

Sculpture and plastic arts in the form of almost all known animals will benefit. Fish, elephants, tigers, dragons will provide you with happiness, "according to Feng Shui." By the way, is particularly useful wooden sculpture. As well as images of water fountains and plants. And live, and in pictures.

In the south-western wall of the room in any case do not hang a picture with the theme of loneliness, the better they hang a picture with bright colors (red or orange). But on the north wall should hang mountain or water views.

In the southwest, a better place now with a shiny sea view.

Take note that there are no crosses, monsters and items like ornaments in furniture and paintings is also better not to do, and then come vicious Shah and energy you sharahnet negative.

Digestion of "Feng Shui": kitchen

In the area where the stove is better to use an image or object is green. Painting with wood or decorative ornaments.

In the south-east of the kitchen do not hang pictures of silver, gold and white tones. In the south, avoid the blue and black shades on south-west is also green. While that's done, if it is in the southwest is plaque, which simply requires the presence of green - Feng Shui diplomatically silent. And for good reason.

In the northeast, refuse rectangular paintings and objects, and in the north of the square. And in the east allowed the red image.

A little side note, not related to art: cook a meal - ventilate the kitchen. Because the smell of food (even delicious) you can also sharahnut negative energy Sha. That's it. Maybe it is better not to cook?

Although not worry, friendly kitchen floral designs in pastel colors can win and Sha Tsiknut it.

More precisely, to draw friendly energy Chi.

Feng shui is not a child. Children's rooms

The room should be a different color is divided into areas - the playing, training and sleeping.

If your child is sitting at his desk - follow strictly to mischief did not hang on the wall behind the drawn cartoon monsters. And do not place a picture there with wild animals and water.

Bright wallpaper, colored furniture, posters - everything is good for kids. So if the walls are covered with colorful posters of children, rejoice - it means that your child's sense of Qi energy.

So if you're partisan exercise, "Feng Shui", better refrain from acquisitions pictures spontaneously, and refer to the art consultant who will help you make the right choice.


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