Machine screw-rotor type
Jan 19, 2011
Since the invention of the first car of mankind constantly seeks to introduce a variety of auto-variation in the daily life in order to facilitate the most complex tasks. However, not all inventions are coming into production, as happened with the screw-rotor-terrain vehicles. Despite their potential utility, their use in the home was simply impossible, due to the fact that the support of such units was necessary not to track or wheels, and the sharp horizontal cylinders. On the one hand it is not possible to get bogged down a car or in a quagmire, no matter razmyakshem ground, or even in the overgrown underbrush coast shallow water. On the other hand, the cylinders with twin screws were absolutely useless on the asphalt. "Arhimetovy screws, located on the surface of the cylinder is simply slipped on the asphalt, uttering at the same time an eerie rasp, barely moving the car away.
However, not so long ago in St. Petersburg was created by the project "Transformable screws or Tesh drive. Its initiator and inspirer made inventor Alex Burdin, who as a result of numerous trial and error, managed to make the screw-rotor suitable for travel on public roads. Achieve this was made possible through the combined on one frame of wheel and spiral motion mechanism. Between the turns of the screw-rotor inventor placed the so-called element with variable geometry - rubber sleeve, which in the expanded state allows the vehicle to move in a rolling mode. In this mode, Tesch Drive can roll up until his path does not have any obstacles podvlasnye only screw mode. So, as soon as the route appears loose gravel, deep snow, or other water-ground obstacles, the driver is enough to transfer the car into screw mode. At the same time deflates, the sleeve is pressed against the body of the rotor, and the car starts to go sideways. " In addition, due to a water jet engine such auger has a high buoyancy and can force the major water obstacles.
Once again, the soil becomes sufficiently dense and smooth, we can again move the car in the rolling mode, and switching time is planned to be automated, making the operation of the car extremely easy and convenient. Meanwhile, the prototype switch is carried out manually.
Scope of this vehicle is extremely high. By maneuverability and high cross in both directions, it can be used rescue services, hunting and fishing, and even to take the conveyor as a military transport. After all, Tesh drive than any of the foregoing, features, and enhanced survivability. Even if the flexible element, placed on the cylinders, completely out of order - the vehicle retains the ability to move and leave the danger zone. Hopefully, the domestic industry interested in the invention earlier than the foreign engineers and investors.
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