The invention is not blown tire

Dec 16, 2010

These tires are made of 800 springs intertwined. Inventors design, which does not require support by air, presented the award for the development of research. For inventors such award is equivalent to Oscar, they say, get it - a great honor. These tires have been developed on the basis of Goodyear, which manufactures tires, in conjunction with NASA. To apply such a complicated design plan for difficult road conditions and possibly on the moon. Earlier tires used on the moon were made of rubber, which in its structure to cope with bad swings heat and cold, and solar radiation. But such an invention would help to resolve such problems.
Rounding surface, spring tire deformed, acquiring shape of the envelope surface, and then, under the influence of energy from within, returned to its original position. According Vivaka Asani, NASA researchers, these tires do not have any particular point, which can cause fatal damage. If a strong shock, where the pneumatic tire would get a puncture, this will damage only one spring of 800. In conjunction with these positive qualities, these tires have the hardness and elasticity, is passed directly to Transport, through which SUVs can travel faster over rough terrain during small movements.
Goodyear is the largest tire manufacturer. This company employs about 7000 people, has 56 plants and offices located in 21 countries worldwide.


On the moon by 2020, planned the construction of plants for extraction of resources

Mankind has not yet been able to engage in extra-terrestrial civilizations, the first plan to produce on the moon, because there are relatively affordable and very rich reserves of water ice.
Such conclusion was a big part of scientists and engineers who are entrusted with and defining the place of extraction of extraterrestrial deposits.
In addition to satellite, scientists have considered as a variant of the asteroids and Mars, but thanks to the proximity of the Moon and large reserves of resources such as water, ammonia and methane.
Chief Technician robotics firm Penguin Automated Systems Greg Biden believes that the moon is the obvious choice. In his view, the getters of lunar resources, and pioneers in this business, to a greater extent will private firms, as it can be very lucrative, though, and not exclude state aid.
Recent discoveries have shown that the moon are significant reserves of water. Cold craters, which are likely to accumulate water billions of years old, have a relatively clean water, and extract it to specialists in the cellar.
The value of water not only in what may in the future to support the existence of the settlers of the Moon, but it can be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen - natural components. These elements can be key components of the fuel. Just imagine what the lunar water could produce rocket fuel, which is subsequently sold at gas stations built on the lower orbit of the planet Earth. This invention will allow satellites and spacecraft to carry out refueling directly in space.
According to the scientific community and the private sector the project will carry out a revolution in space by mankind. From an economic point of view of delivery of fuel from the Moon will be very advantageous, since the lunar gravity and Earth have a difference of six times in favor of the moon, but it significantly reduce the cost of the rocket launch.
After hearing the information about the extraction of water on the moon with the aim of further profitable, some companies are beginning to make plans. Shackleton Energy Company founder Bill Stone says that plans to sell missile fuel directly in orbit by 2020.
Plans, of course, grandiose, and seem to be unrealistic, but almost all of the technology needed to begin operations on the Moon for the extraction of resources, ready and waiting their turn. A robotic miners can operate from Earth.
Due to the closeness to the earth connection between machines and humans can be done almost instantly. The delay will be negligible - 1-2sekundy.
When space exploration will be apparent to many businessmen will be clear what earnings they can get, and space will be more accessible to humanity.


Conquest of Mars - soon

Americans are going to colonize Mars.
Recently, there have been two developments that suggest that America is going to colonize Mars. And when you consider that these events occurred almost simultaneously, there is reason to believe that they are rather strongly.
The journal Journal of Cosmology, published an article under the unambiguous title "Boldly Forward: non-refundable mission to Mars." Authors of articles planetary Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Washington State University and cosmologist Paul Davies Arizona State University, argue that while the colonization of Mars, it is.
The main idea of the article is based on the fact that the colonization of Mars will be on non-refundable basis, those who go to conquer the planet back will not return. Since returning from Mars will cost a lot more expensive than the entire mission as a whole.
The article shows that a rough plan of colonization of the planet. The essence is to support the colonists from Earth, in regular food supplies, equipment and other supplies necessary for setting up and development of the colony.
As the colony on the planet will be arriving, new professionals, as well as the first settlers, they will fly to Mars permanently. After some time, the colony will be able to produce supplies (food and water) on their own. In this, the colonists will synthetic biology Craig Venter, the biologist who first read the human genome. In the end, after some time, the base of the colonists, will move to full self-reliance and abolished to need the support of the Earth. From now on, and begin the colonization of Mars.
According to scientists, the process of colonization of Mars would be expensive and dangerous undertaking, but despite this, many people want to move to Mars, there is a possibility even of a "red fever", this does not interfere with even the conditions on the planet where the temperature is close to zero and there atmosphere.
The article may be, and would have remained unnoticed, because sometimes you can read magazines and such, but it was reported that NASA is developing a program called (Hundred Year Starship) «starship century, the foundation of this program is the option of irrevocable sending people to Mars.
The program is designed for several billion dollars, and is a way to colonize not only Mars but also his companions, as well as the moon.
Statement by the Director of Research tsenra Ames Research Center research organization, NASA, Simon "Pete" Worden confirms the foregoing. Details about the new mission, Worden did not specifically disclose because he knows little about the KGS program. Known preliminary amount that would be required to implement the program (seven billion dollars), the availability of funds, there is only six hundred thousand. The remainder of the sum, NASA expects to receive from wealthy individuals from around the world and is already negotiating on this issue. It is already known that one of the owners of Google, Larry Page, is interested in this proposal.
According to Ward, Larry Page was interested in the amount that will need to implement the program. Learn what you need an amount of about ten billion dollars, the billionaire asked: "Can you pull up to the amount of 1.2 billion?". The result is a slight dispute about the price, which can play a fairly significant role in the implementation of the "Star Ship of the century". Although we can assume that the amount of seven and ten billion dollars, called Uordenom for project implementation will be much higher.
Russian Academician Lev Zeleny, who is director of the Space Research Institute, reacted to the idea of colonizing Mars, with a large grain of salt. According to him, the implementation of this program is impossible to date due to technical possibilities of mankind. Low temperatures, lack of atmosphere, and a strong background radiation, prevent colonization.
In his statement, Worden also said he did not know how to influence these factors, but promised in a while, to show a spaceship on which the colonists could get to Mars.
In the minds of many people, from childhood lies the dream of conquering the red planet, due to which some respond and assist in the implementation of the "Star Ship of the century", who is a technical point of view, and who finances. And most of all humanity will make the creators of the program, perform promises made by funding and creating new technologies. And over time, at one point, few people will be surprised when people fly to the red planet to conquer it, even if this is impossible, and there is no such colonization of special need.


Vehicle speed 1,600 mph - a reality!

In the next year planned to complete the construction vehicle capable of speeds up to 1,600 km / h. The goal set itself the project of "Bloodhound SSC", developed in the UK.
According to Richard Noble, Project Manager, full-sized version of the car to be established in January 2011 and will attempt to set a speed record in 2012. Noble himself once already had the record for the highest speed, but now he aims with this project to promote science and art of engineering among young people.
The material body is planned to use a thin alloy, a 90-centimeter-wheel weighing 97 kg will be cast from aluminum alloy. On the choice of the alloy depends on many things, so research on its election is still last. Wheel speed will be a record for our time of 10 200 rpm (170 revolutions per second), while the rim will have an impact load of 150 MPa.
Importance of choosing the alloy due to the fact that the race will be scheduled on the surface of a dried-up lake, and therefore damage the surface of the wheels are inevitable. That would protect the alloy wheels from damage, especially since the planned number of races. Now the walls of the Cambridge University Cavendish Laboratory Specialists make tests to identify the impact of sand on the different types of alloys.
As the motion speed car will result in two engines: a jet engine fitted to fighter Eurofighter Typhoon, and the rocket engine Falcon. The first way to create thrust at nine tons, the second will add an additional 12 tons of thrust.
As a platform for establishing a new world record will be used dried-up lake bottom Hakskeen Pan, which is in South Africa (Northern Cape). To determine the speed record for an hour will be two-dimensional distance of the race at a mile, then their results will be determined by the average velocity. After the first arrival will be replaced by a jet engine, the wheels also hope to save at the second race.
Route length of 20 kilometers, width - 1.5 km. At a speed of 1,600 km / h any clash with stone would have disastrous consequences not only for the wheels, but for a car. Therefore, to clean up the highway from the stones have already begun about 300 workers who were hired by the local population. At the same time in the UK has started a company search assistants predlagyuschaya "free and hard work in conditions of constant heat, in a remote but beautiful place."
The current speed record was set at 19,997, the Thrust SuperSonic Car, and is 1 228 km / h. People working at the time of Thrust, now working in the project Bloodhound. This is a project manager, Richard Noble, an expert on aerodynamics, Ron Ayres and pilot car Andy Green.
Wishing to sponsor the project has more than enough, so the project does not suffer from a lack of funding. Although the project is private and not commercial, it nevertheless received support from the government and the United Kingdom, which provided two jet engines Typhoon. Among other sponsors are present Hampson Industries, manufacturer of engines F1 Cosworth, aerospace company Lockheed Martin.


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